How to Tell if You Need Carpenter Bee Treatment

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At RZ Termite & Pest Control, we want to help you take care of your home and keep it free of annoying, dangerous, or damaging pests. One type of pest that falls into this third category (though it is certainly annoying as well) is carpenter bees. These bees get their name from the way they bore holes into wood, which makes it easy to see why you wouldn’t want them around. In this article, we will go over a few ways to tell if you have a problem with these insects–if you notice any of the following signs, we encourage you to give us a call to arrange for carpenter bee treatment.

How to Tell if You Need Carpenter Bee Treatment

  • Holes in Wood- One tell-tale sign that you need carpenter bee treatment is the presence of holes in your wood flooring, structures, or furniture. In particular, check for these holes around the exterior of your home, as this is where they are likely to show up first.
  • Sawdust- Another sign that you need carpenter bee treatment is the piles of sawdust they create as they bore through your wood. If you start seeing sprinklings of sawdust around your home, it’s a good idea to have your property inspected for insects.
  • Yellowing- While the above two signs can also be caused by termites, this last sign is a sure-fire way to determine that you have carpenter bees, rather than some other wood-boring insect. At the entrance to carpenter bee holes, you will often see a yellowing effect, which is caused by deposits of pollen in the bees’ excrement.